Hangzhou Norming Biological
Technology Co., Ltd.
Hongshulin Garden,No.235 Tiancheng
Road, Jianggan District,Hangzhou,China
Tel:+86-571-86753596, 86767230
Safety Measures
Store away from food stuffs and out of reach of children.
Avoid storage at high temperature.
Do not eat, drink, smoke or apply cosmetics while using the product.
Avoid breathing vapour, drift, and do not spray against the wind. Avoid contact with skin or eyes.
Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash waters or rinsate.
Do not use empty containers for any other purposes.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
It may react with galvanized/unlined mild steel tanks to product a highly in flammable gas and could create a dangerous hazard if exposed to an ignition source such as a lighted cigarette.
First Aid measures
Ingestion:Empty stomach by gastric lavage. Do not administer anything to unconscious person.
Eye contact: Wash eye immediately with plenty of water of normal salinity for at least 15 minutes.
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes immediately. Wash with soap and large quantity of water(approximately 15-20 minutes).
Inhalation: Remove patient immediately from polluted area to an area of fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration.
In all cases seek medical attention.
Directions for use
Spray product on vigorously growing weeds and not drought stricken and chemically weakened weeds or leaves covered with dust. Do not apply if rain threatens within 4-6 hours after application. Do not mix with other herbicides or add other wetters. Use clean and not brackish water for mixing Avoid spray solution run-off from the foliage
1. Apply with knapsacks or mounted booms at 100-600 l spray Volume/ha; or with controlled Droplet Applicators at 5.0-20.0 l/ha; or aircraft at 20-50 l/ha.
2. Apply to freshly cut stumps of unwanted trees and shrubs with a trigger bottle spray or with a paint brush.
For optimum result, spray at a low pressure (1.0 bar or 100 kPa) and a low volume (100-200 l/ha) to give an even droplets distribution on a target foliage.
Hangzhou Norming Biological
Technology Co., Ltd.